Patent Office and IP stuff…

While the common good has for a long time been overlooked in comparison to the greedy companies screaming “Intellectual Property” rights, many people have long been looking for change in the system. The truth is, our patent systems have gotten completely out of hand and need to be re-vamped completely. We live in a world where there are patents on things like a button that you click and something happens. A touchscreen is patented, almost everything that you can think of as “common sense” has been patented at least once, if not multiple times by different groups with slightly different explanations of their “inventions”.

Doesn’t this seem crazy? The system was designed to protect companies rights if they created something truely unique. Alas we live in a world now where buisnesses have resorted to sueing others for use of their designs when the truth is their design is nothing more than common sense. At least one group agrees with me and has written up a nice article themselves:

This entry was written by shadowmite , posted on Saturday November 04 2006at 12:11 pm , filed under News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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