The PPC6800 Conundrum

As the release date of “before the end of the year” approches, the details of the long overdue replacemment to the PPC6700 continue to elude us. Even the units overall size is a mystery. There does seem to be 2 very different logical paths that this device could follow. It could be a streamlined and EVDO Rev-A version of the PPC6700 with windows mobile 5 and a 2.8 inch QVGA screen. However, with the release of Windows Mobile 6 also in this timeframe, the concept of releasing a WM5 device into a WM6 market just doesnt seem to fit with me. The abnormally long reign of the 6700 and the very close proximity of the 6800 and WM6 release dates lead me to beleive a few things. First, I think that there is a strong possibility that the release of the 6800 was delayed untill the rollout of WM6, making it one of the first devices to be released with the new operating system. Second, I also think that the ambiquity surrounding the size of the unit may also hide a 3.2 inch VGA screen, a supposedly “common” feature on WM6 devices.

The details that would decicively prove which potential route the 6800 will take are, at the time of this writing, not availiable on the internet. Perhaps some of our more clever users can dig up the requisite information. The name of the processor will most likely determine the OS that the device will run, and the overall dimesions of the unit will give us enough information to extrapolate the size of the screen.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Friday November 03 2006at 04:11 am , filed under News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

14 Responses to “The PPC6800 Conundrum”

  • Bill says:

    Is this it?

  • Malatesta says:


    Where oh where are you getting your information from?

    WM6 (Photon)won’t be out till mid-2008 not ever in 2007.

    WM 5.5/Second Edition/Crossbow is scheduled to be released to manufactures soon to start playing with, but it doesn’t look like we’ll get one of those devices till late Spring or Summer.

    Your “analysis” is so far off it’s laughable.

    They may be waiting for Crossbow but all that means is a mid-2007 release, which is so far off as to be not even relevant. Futhermore, Crossbow will be a nice overhaul(there are not many details, so we can only speculate) but it will be nothing like Photon (e.g. WM6 or whatever the decide to call it).

    If the device is slated for a Q1 release, that will be most AKU 3.x, which is hardly revolutionary (except that you can kiss BT DUN goodbye).

  • CJ says:

    So…if I’m looking to get into the world of ppc’s are you guys saying that waiting for the 6800 vs going with the 6700 for a steal is the way to go? I have a coworker who loves his 6700 but readily admits that he only uses about 15% of the devices functions. I’m ready to push the button but know how technology is with buy today and something new is out tomorrow. I’m not looking to be stuck with some outdated device for two years if I don’t have to. Little advice please…

  • Spymongoose says:

    My reccomendation is to get what you can for as cheap as possible and to learn it as well as you can. These devices require a bit of commitment to learn and use, and it doesnt make sense to throw a whole lot of money around unless you’re sure. A PPC6700 will do the job fine, and so will a PPC6600. These devices had a lot of capabilities, and they havent lost them with age. A PPC6600 should run about $150, and a PPC6700 should go for about $350. After you get a feel for them, you should be in a far better position to decide if a top dollar PPC is worth the money.

  • CJ says:

    thanks for reaching back SpyMongoose…

    I’m going to be able to get the 6700 for $49.99 out of pocket after all of my Sprint discounts so I think I’m going to go for it.

    I was about to make the leap yesterday but I got in the Sprint Store and one of their reps told me they’re coming out with a 6750. Now I haven’t read/heard anything about any 6750 so I decided to walk and do a little more research.

    No such luck with with finding anything on this 6750 overnight or this morning. Is this Sprint Rep off her rocker?

    From all of the reviews I’ve seen on the 6700, it seems like it packs quite a bit under its hood and doesn’t have much REAL competition. I guess until windows makes some changes there are only going to be small tweeks with any of the ppcs.

  • DJ Kruger says:

    I AM a Sprint rep, and there IS NO 6750

    However there is a new top secret pda phone coming out in the style of the 6700 made by either Sanyo or Samsung. It is made to be a entry by either Sanyo or Samsung (my money is on Samsung since they seem to be getting more high end)into the pocket PC market. I am sure the rep was given the same info as me, but is just less up on her shit.

  • CJ says:


    you know, for the price and because my better half is tired of me going on and on and on with researching this 6800/6700 and now what you’ve offered up (and thanks much for reaching back), I’m going to the Sprint Store right now and getting the 6700.

    I’m a little bit of a tech geek but more of my geekyiness is geared towards 3D graphics and Mac-related things. All of that said, I’m even more of obsessive when it comes to money and what I do know is I’ve tossed and turned trying to weigh out $549 or more for the new ppc phone regardless of which one I go with vs. $49 for the 6700 (and I may be able to get an additiional corp discount that will pay me $50 so I end up getting it for free.)

    All of that said…I think it’s pretty much a given that I should take free vs pay and then start geeking out upgrading the 6700.

    To all you guys…thanks for your info. I’ll let you know what I think…

  • Mel25 says:

    DJ Krugger, I have also been contemplating the 6800/6700 bit, but after reading about the Samsung or whatever that might or might not be hitting the market, i may wait and see what it has to offer. Any speculation on when it might be coming out?

  • cj says:

    Is there a preferred site you guys go to for info, add ons/alterations (said nicely) over others? Any to stay away from?

    Looks like the little lady is in love with 6700 so I’m still in holding pos for the 6800. Life is good…

    Thanks again

  • cj says:

    I should have prefaced my message with, “I usually make my rounds to a few sites when doing research so…”

    I hope nobody took the message the wrong way as if I didn’t feel like this was a good place for info I wouldn’t keep coming back.

    So, other than this site, are there any other sites you guys/gals have found really useful?

    Thanks, as always…

  • shadowmite says:

    I watch:

  • frank says:

    Hey I just got the 6800 it rocks! Yesterday it even cooked me breakfast

  • cj says:

    thanks shadow…

    Frank, you must be the first in the world.(Or, considering your timing, was this some dream of the curvaceous 6800 in nothing but an apron…sunny side up?)

    Seriously, where did you grab the 6800? What price is it going for?

    If I can find one I’ll go grab it today.I’ve had my 6700 for one day and have already managed to get it to lock up. Not good.

  • CoolGui says:

    If you ask me, Sprintusers has become a cesspool lately.