Treo 700wx conspiracy theory

So, after thinking a good bit about it I’ve decided it’s quite possible palm might not have actually increased the memory in this device at all. Maybe instead they simply rebalanced the available portions of memory so the system now uses some flash memory as if it were ram? While this is the poor way to have upgraded the device, it would have the same effect, other than possibly causing other issues which will come out in the days and weeks after release. Unforunately the only way to know for certain will be to open one up and check out the part numbers of the memory chips…

That said, if I’m right, this would really be bad for Palm as the 700w would then be software upgradeable to a 700wx! Am I right about this possibility? I wouldn’t put it past palm to take the cheap way out if it was deemed possible.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Wednesday August 30 2006at 09:08 am , filed under Cell Phone Related, News, WM . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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