Revenge of the Q!

Despite conventional logic, Q sightings are up! With motorola teaming up with sprint to bring yet more razr’s to the locals, the potentail for the new Moto Q to live up to its expectation as the razr replacement… NOT!!! Not that the Q is as affordable as the razr, or carries the mystique or style, or as easy for the public to love, but having the Q marketed next to the razr cant hurt the Q’s rep either. Could there be something infectious about the Q that our community seems to have missed? Could WM5 smartphone be a gateway device to bigger and better things? Perhaps WM5 will get some much needed public exposure from this. It could be that the Q and its many clones could make up for the entry level pdaphone market, taking the place where the where the Treo used to be. Before you rabbid treohuggers start flaming me, ask a few of your cohorts what thier first exposure to the world of pdaphones was. Odds are pretty good it was a treo. That may not always be the case, as the Q might become the most common answer to that question, and sooner than you think. Can a Q or a clone usurp the treo as the entry level device of choice? Go ahead and leave a comment and tell me what you think.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Monday August 28 2006at 04:08 am , filed under Cell Phone Related, WM . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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