WM5 Complaints Debunked

After reading audiofx81’s review of the Treo 700wx I have come to realize that if it werent for aftermarket software, the palm treos wouldnt have had a chance in the real world and certainly the windows based treos dont either. After digging through the forums for “sms threading software” I found a good website that has a lot of free software for WM5 PDA and smartphone. Want a threaded SMS app for your treo 700, your 6700, or for your MotoQ? This guy has it. An easy hack manager for the 6700 and the Q? Yup, on that site as well. A today screen dialer? You know it. The next person who tells me that he refuses to get a wm5 device soley on the basis of lack of SMS treading is going to get an earful from me. WM5 aftermarket software solutions are out there, and developers are quickly getting up to speed. The sun is setting on the PalmOS empire.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Tuesday September 05 2006at 03:09 pm , filed under Cell Phone Related, WM, WM Smartphone . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

3 Responses to “WM5 Complaints Debunked”

  • anonymous says:

    Very interesting… So you really believe the palm os is dying? Based on your own argument aren’t you saying palm os is equal to wm5?

  • spymongoose says:

    Im saying that the last strenth PalmOS has left is its diverse aftermarket software base and reletively large number of software developers compared to the size of the WM5 software pool. My point was that good aftermarket software is essentail to a devices success and we are starting to see some very promising results from some WM5 developers. To prove this point, simply look at what palm did to upgrade the treo 650 to the 700p: thay increased memory and included a number of freeware titles normally installed by palm users. Up to this point, most palm/winmob comparisons were from a totally tricked out palm device to a device with only WM5 software.
    And yes, PalmOS as we know it is definitely on the endangered species list.

  • florent says:


    The web site is down 🙁
    Any chance you know its new address?
