There’s a storm in my pants….

its just a thunderbolt you sick minded people! :). Well i raced down to the verizon store to be 1 minute before closing this past Thursday. boy was I pissed! I then raced down to one open an hour later and after lines and heachaches of people i got myself the HTC Thunderbolt with LTE! Sadly i paid full price with taxes ($653), but my inner phone junkie was itching hardcore for the first LTE phone.

So far i love it! The speeds of LTE that is, as far as the phone itself .. meh its just an EVO a year late. I am mad at myself for spending $653 on it when surely i can get one around $500 or so on criagslist already but I just couldn’t resist. Its your regular android phone but with BLAZING FAST speeds. I am sure its because the LTE network is empty at the moments but i am hitting 30Mb PLUS and that was on a tethered file download test not relying on speedtest app.

Will i return it? possibly, just because its too darn expensive for a phone with a year old CPU and tech (besides LTE). I really would like a bionic, however i must see if they goto tiered data before the bionic.

Anyone else grab one?

This entry was written by ihtc , posted on Sunday March 20 2011at 07:03 am , filed under News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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