Well its iPad 2 Launch Day, apples marketing model wins again…

Apple’s marketing team has done it again… another sell out product. I hopped online this morning to take a look at the online orders. Everything single model has already been pushed to a 2-3 WEEK ship date (with the exception on the 16gb 3g Verizon black). How does this company consistently make sellout products? Are they really that amazing (i don’t think so, good but not warranting sell outs and mass excitement)? Is it people just want a “dumbed” down way to hop onto a website and play a game? What are your thoughts. As someone in the sales and marketing field i see their angle and its great. Heck, MOTOROLA, talk to me.. i can help you obtain apple like results with some commitment on your end! Sadly for y’all i won’t explain that strategy on  the blog 🙂

PS: I think apple makes a good product , heck i love macbooks and i use one. I just like to get everyone view as to why they think people flock to apple for a mobile device over say and android device.

This entry was written by ihtc , posted on Friday March 11 2011at 07:03 am , filed under News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Well its iPad 2 Launch Day, apples marketing model wins again…”

  • Shadowmite says:

    I’d have to say I disagree with your assumption that it’s sold out just because online stocks are listed as delayed. Apple’s prudent move would be to save stock for stores (I’d figure 95%) and then backfill online orders with the left over not moved at B&M locations.