Shadowmite is a iPhone user now

Well, after all my ranting about the device, and trying to avoid it I finally did try a iPhone when the cost dropped $200. In my opinion this certainly brought the phone to a price it was actually worth and I was at that point curious. My first impressions were all positive and I proceeded to use it for almost a month now.

I have to say, I like it. However I like it from the “geek” perspective in which it is a hackers paradise of a phone. A true touchscreen highres BSD based device. As a consumer I can’t say I would ever buy one, I can honestly say palm has hit the generic consumer market as best as any manufacturer ever has, and with the centro coming, they will get all the low end consumers bucks soon enough.

Apple has a real chance with this device to get mid level to high end users on their customer list, the problem however appears to be Apple doesn’t want them as customers. Apple appears to want those same customers that enjoy palm’s devices. They refuse to have a open system, and furthermore are taking actions to BLOCK the open communities efforts to support 3rd party app’s on their iPhone. Is apple trying to get to a point where they can “sell” product signing and profit just to have an app on their phone? This is a foolish move in my opinion and we’ll have to see what happens.

This entry was written by Shadowmite , posted on Friday September 28 2007at 05:09 pm , filed under Cell Phone Related, News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

4 Responses to “Shadowmite is a iPhone user now”

  • Brandon says:

    Great post! I’ve been checking the site periodically for updates and was happy to see something new. I have a 700P and was contemplating purchasing the iPhone so i could hack it. It is truly disappointing that Apple is limiting developers from creating/running 3rd party apps on the iPhone.

  • kocoman says:

    Good luck replacing the battery.

  • Jim says:

    Shadow, great post. I agree with your sentiments. I too was a Palm Treo user and I recently switched from Treo 650 to the iPhone. While iPhone is gorgeous it is a gadget of the moment and I don’t think it has the sustaining power if Apple doesn’t support the developer community who has been expanding the iPhone’s capabilities. While the treo was big, it still has more capabilities than my hacked 1.0.2 iPhone with all of its apps. Where is the DUN, Flash player, Core player, etc. If Apple doesn’t change its tune (sorry for the pun), Apple will again lose it dominance.

  • Phil Temples says:

    Hey Shadow,

    I’m on the verge of switching from my beloved Treo to the iPhone. Question: is there ANYTHING in iPhone-land that resembles or approaches the functionality of Palm’s DateBk5/6? From what I’ve seen, one can only use web-based apps for ToDo functionality. (Someone said that Apple’s iCal functionality on iPhone versus OS X was actually “crippled”.

    I’d love to have my calendar/ToDo/address list integrated like I have with DateBk.
