It’s out… (iPhone)

All the yuppies have their happy little shiny toys now. Including one person in my own IRC channel (remind me to kickban him). So why is it people want this device? How did apple’s viral marketing work so well on it? My own HTC Trinity blows it outta the water with 3.5G data and built in GPS while being shorter and narrower and only a little thicker. And for that matter my phone is LAST years release!

Granted what can you expect for a 1st generation 1st revision 1st phone from a manufacturer? The real question is, how did this device become the next RAZR?

This entry was written by shadowmite , posted on Saturday June 30 2007at 04:06 pm , filed under Cell Phone Related, News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

4 Responses to “It’s out… (iPhone)”

  • hi….

    i killed my treo syncing it for the first time tonight…..i have had two treos for years but never sync’d them. please help, i have read some of your threads, but domt know which buttons to push, like which one is the reset button?

    did i kill my phone?
    this is a treo 650

    i also have a 600, which i wanna sync but will wait.

    ironically i found out how to sync at the apple store while getting some help for something else, yesterday.

    have been w/o phone for main phone…what to do???


    i was considering the apple i phone but i saw someone using it and could see the lack of buttons made for a clumsy second to the treo…aomeone will either make a better one, or apple will quickly correct their ways, meanwhile pleas ehelp~~~~

  • Brian Nichols says:

    the first comment has the answer to your question – the iphone just works. yes, your phone has all the “features” (and some better) but for those of us who want an elegant solution that works AND syncs without problems, the iphone has great appeal. btw, have you used an iphone? I’ve been using treos since I don’t know when (600->650->700p (x4)) and the difference is akin to getting out of a horse carriage and stepping into a bmw…

  • Erik The Red says:

    The iPhone is a quasi-smartphone that’s targeted at people who fear smartphones. If you want the flexibility and customization options of a smartphone, then the iPhone isn’t for you. I still have my Treo 650 (until they come out with a GSM 75x), but I bought one for the wife. It’s great for her – she can use all of the features, and the functionality has a ridiculous degree of polish for a phone. There are still some tweaks needed (well-discussed elsewhere), but it’s a pretty damned good 1.0 product.

    I have some friends in the cell phone design biz, and I can tell you that making a phone is like making sausage – you really don’t want to know what goes on inside. The carriers specify just about every feature and function, and the window of time for designing a model is about 6 months. You have dozens of hardware bugs which have to be masked with software, followed by dozens to hundreds of software bugs. It’s pretty obvious that Apply spent six times as long designing this thing – it feels like a work of art compared to most of the crap on the market today.

    Of course, I’d like to see one that fits my needs a little better (VPN client, SSH, Terminal Services, etc.) – but I don’t think I’ll ever see it from Apple. What I do hope is that the iPhone raises the bar for the entire industry so we can have choices other than 16 equally shitty phones (and when there’s a problem, the carrier’s solution is always to have you go buy a new shitty phone – and extend your contract for another 2 years). Here’s to breaking the cycle of shit.

  • Alexfreire says:

    Just to remember you: Kickban him.