Palm sale expected by 3/22?

According to the flying rumors (which have to be considered fairly accurate in light of recent accuracy and palm’s horrid ability to stay up to date) palm is trying to have a deal sealed by close of buisness 3/22. This is quite a shock of course considering the question, “Who in their right mind would buy palm?”. Of course the answer everyone is speculating is Nokia, Motorola, Apple, Google, heck you name it and someone has more than likely guessed it. The problem being, most of those companies ARE in their right mind. This buy just doesn’t make a lot of sense as palm is at this point, not much more than a brand name of old style smartphones. Now granted, this insures a new owners device a very good chance at a large audience, probably a bigger audience than the iPhone when it’s released for that matter. Speculation?

This entry was written by shadowmite , posted on Tuesday March 20 2007at 05:03 pm , filed under News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

2 Responses to “Palm sale expected by 3/22?”

  • Spymongoose says:

    I would like to buy the company name so that I can start a either psychic advisory company or a online handjob escort service. Either way, I’m in for $10…

  • tuolumne says:

    You were pretty wrong on this prediction. Also, how is it that Palm manages to sell more pdaphones on Sprint than Motorola and Samsung put together? And your beloved Audiovox 6700? ROTFLMAO