I’ll be damned! Access Linux!

I'll be damned

If there ever was a critic of palms legacy or a firm disbeliever in Access’s willingness or ability to actually bring forth a commercial linux solution, it would be me.  Since I’m “that guy” I feel obligated to try to bring a critical eye to balance out the overwhelmingly enthusiastic responce this news tidbit would bring to palm linux believers.  Honestly, I’m impressed, and that means the believers are sh*tting thier pants with joy.  I’m going to wait for more details to roll in before making an opinion.  In the mean time, you treo hugers (win haters?) dance and sing in the streets!


This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Friday February 16 2007at 02:02 pm , filed under News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

4 Responses to “I’ll be damned! Access Linux!”

  • adi says:

    Hm, no 320×320 resolution = current Treo owners are screwed?

    Lame 🙁

    Otherwise, I’m pleasantly surprised…

  • boxjunctionexperiment says:

    “ALP will run on smartphones with a Marvell PX3xx processor or Texas OMAP processors”

    Isn’t that the same processer believed to be in the iPhone? hmmmm…

  • shadowmite says:

    Indeed this is a awesome looking intro, of course it remains to be seen how open and user friendly everything will be together on it. In general linux has a nice looking side (the one we see here) and a ugly side, the command line interface and glitchyness if you screw something up. However I for one welcome our new ALPhone overlords…

    That said, there is no reason to believe the lack of 320×320 means no treo version, the treo is LONG overdue for a serious screen improvement to give it widescreen. Many concepts have been drawn to show what it would look like, and if palm wants to keep up with all the other vendors, I would expect some conformity from them. If not, don’t worry, ACCESS is the new palm is the sense that everyone is used to. PalmSource is what made palm palm. What everyone liked is PalmSource… Access is the same people, the same teams, etc. I think we’ll see big things from them, possibly even there own hardware development!

  • adi says:

    I definitely see the potential for new hardware supporting those resolutions, but I was referring to people with current hardware – i.e. the Treo 650/700/750 not being able to use the OS via an upgrade.

    The current Treo is based around that square screen though – imagine trying to shoehorn a 320×480 display in there – you’d have to make it an inch longer to fit unless you took out the hard buttons