Palm OS 5 for life…

Palm recently licened Palm OS5 (Garnet) from the Japanese company ACCESS indefinitely.  While most of palms glaringly obvious buisness mistakes are hidden in carefully worded and shamefully upbeat news releases like this, I think this may be the first thing that Palm Inc has done in some years that has NOT lead to the ultimite demise of the Palm product.  A little reading between the lines leads me to believe that Palms stance is this: Keep with what has worked and dump off that which brings no profit (meaning development of a new OS).

What this means for the end user is that palm will be able to keep this promise to its users: All previous software will continue to run on its new devices… Something that ACCESS wasnt bound to do with Palm OS6 or palm-linux.  It does mean that we will probably still see no true multitasking from palm on the OS level, although advances in hardware may make it seem like it does.  Palm is allowed to develop Palm OS 5 to meet the requirements of new hardware, as they have done for many years now, and with this deal they can do it some more for the remainder of the foreseeable future.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Sunday December 10 2006at 01:12 am , filed under News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

5 Responses to “Palm OS 5 for life…”

  • Robert E. says:

    Perhaps…but it will also hurt them when compared to competitors, I think. I was really looking forward to the linux-power Palm OS because of the multitasking and potentially more open platform, so I hope this doesn’t hinder progress 🙁

  • DrBuzz0 says:

    I disagree. I think Palm has really gotten tired of having no control over the OS and the direction that Access has taken things, killing Cobalt ect. Palm wanted to regain complete control over the hardware and software.

    I doubt that they’ll keep Garnet, as we know it, over the long term. They want a starting point and to hedge their bets.

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