DUN for Verizon 650 1.05 Cracked

Thanks to a guy named Gonzo we have the DUN for Verizon rom 1.05 patched for you all. Sorry it took so long, I really didn’t have the time. Thanks Gonzo!

Get it here!

Also, to those of you wanting to try that Sand game spymongoose posted about, check out:


This entry was written by shadowmite , posted on Tuesday November 21 2006at 08:11 pm , filed under Cell Phone Related, News, PalmOS . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

4 Responses to “DUN for Verizon 650 1.05 Cracked”

  • zippernec says:

    I just installed the BTManager via hotsync and I get the launching error.

    I later read that it should not be installed via hot sync, so I went to remove it, I’ve deleted it from the phone. However, when I email it to myself, then save it, it tells me the btmanager already exists.

    How do I permanently get rid of the BT Manager to do a clean install from the file I’ve emailed to myself in place of installing it ia the hot sync?

    Thanks for your input,


  • Jon says:

    woohoo!! Thanks Gonzo and Shadowmite. You totally made my day!

  • M says:

    Hey Yo, I have the same problem as the first guy, how can we wipe it out?

    M Dizzle

  • Corby says:

    Tried to download this, and it gave me a 404. Please re-upload or set a link to a different source. Thank you muchly.