

While having sand in your pockets sounds like a bad thing, its really quite a good thing. PocketSand is a pointless and unproductive use of your time for when your time is otherwize pointless and unproductive. Unlike card games, this game allows for complete creative freedom. Theres fire, water, wood, gasoline, plant matter, salt, and sand, and you can place these elements anywhere you wish with the stylus and you can observe the reactions. If Im stuck in a waiting room or on hold, I could play solitare and feel dumb afterwards or I could do something that stimulates creativity and free thinking… like play pocketsand! Check it out!


For the windows users who want to see what you are getting into, try:


This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Thursday November 16 2006at 07:11 pm , filed under News, WM Smartphone . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “PocketSand”

  • shadowmite says:

    Looks like a great idea for a creative game. Too bad I am a palm user and won’t be able to play it, at least for now. (That is until I decide to try out a Samsung ppc world phone – lol)