Innovative Gaming Concept

I ran into this game called Fishopolis, a 2d shooter that requires you to move the phone to aim. This is accomplished by using the camera built into the phone… move the phone left, and you aim left. Interesting to say the least… Also the nintendo Wii controller requires you to move the controller to control the game, there was that highly unsuccessful camera thingy for the PS2… When will game developers realize that there are 2 major demographics that DONT want toys like this? The first, the younger crowd who’s being babysat by the “electric nanny”, the very intention of whitch is to pacify and distract so that parents dont have to do much parenting (I dont condone this system at all, I just call it like it is…) The second demopgraphic is the fat lazy couch potatoes (like myself) who play video games just so that they dont have to move. If I had the energy to go out an whip stuff around an move crap for enteretainment, then thats what I would go do. But as it is, I break a sweat when my video game charicter runs too far or lifts something heavy.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Friday November 10 2006at 06:11 pm , filed under News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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