All about Sony

In this world of insane business tactics, I’ve found Sony to always be a subject of interest. Quite simply, I don’t own many Sony products, though I have bought them at one time or another. I find Sony’s products to be decent, but fairly disappointing in one way or another, and their business tactics to be nothing but rude and uncaring for their customers.

Why is it they get away with designing product after product which is crippled in some way compared to the “standards” set by every other group that matters? Apparently they don’t care to be about making products that work the status quo. They want to make products that set new standards only. And for each one they do set, it re-enforces their beliefs that it’s a better way to do business.

How can we stop them? The only way is to fight back with your pocketbook. Don’t purchase their products; don’t let friends and family purchase their products. If someone asks about them, by all means tell them everything. We are talking about a company that makes things cost more in the long run just in the hope they will make a fortune if something becomes popular enough.

The PS3 that is yet to be released is a prime example of how low this company can go. Absurd pricing, inferior technologies and arrogance towards existing standards comes to mind.

Let’s look at another example, the PEG-UX50. That device could quite well have set the new standard for a portable device/pda. Ahead of it’s time with wifi, bluetooth, full keyboard in a small portable folding design. And what did they do to it? Memory stick expansion, ONLY. No SD, the standard. If this device had been made with SD it would have grown very quickly into the best palm device on the market. Much like the Treo has virtually done today. If they coupled it with a cellular radio, we could very well all be sporting Sony smartphones today.

This entry was written by shadowmite , posted on Friday October 27 2006at 02:10 pm , filed under News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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