What is a smartphone anyhow?

The term “smartphone” has gone in and out of vouge in our community, at first describing perfectly what we considered to be the top end of the cell phone tech revolution and then the term was met with disdain as corporate entities used it to describe inferior products. Today smartphone is usually short for “windows mobile 5 smartphone edition” but in the past has also been attached to cutting edge pdaphones and also to any web enabled crapphone. So what does the term really mean? Michael Juntao Yuan over at the O’Reilly network http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/wireless/2005/08/23/whatissmartphone.html?page=1 takes a crack at defining this omnious term. I found this to be a good read, well worth the time (as are most O’Reilly publications) and does an excellent job of getting past both the prejudice and marketing that have clouded this subject.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Tuesday October 03 2006at 06:10 pm , filed under Cell Phone Related, PalmOS, WM, WM Smartphone . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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