What to do next?

Recently a few of us got together (for a wedding) and threw some ideas around for what to hack next, or more specifically, what we could do to look cool at next years defcon. We have a few passable ideas, a few ideas that may or may not pan out, and some that were dead from the beginning. If any of you minions (what we call our loyal patrons) got any realistic ideas please give us an email or post a comment.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Sunday September 17 2006at 01:09 am , filed under Hack Related . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

7 Responses to “What to do next?”

  • Surur says:

    How about doing the impossible and making WM5 run on the Treo 700p!


  • Rob says:

    We really need a new ROM for the 700P. A ROM that removes all the junk like AddIt/My Treo, OnDemand, GoodLink, the sample mp3 files, the basic version of Pocket Tunes, Sprint Business Connect, Versamail, QuickTour, “Software”, and “Downloads.”


  • iFutility says:

    I want all those nifty little tweaks that Palm made, HTC doesn’t seem to like to mod the OS

  • jawsie says:

    wifi hack for treo 700p

  • Anonymous says:

    How about if you can find away to be able to connect a treo 650 to the internet via bluetooth (LAN) (using home connection from PC)

  • Wayne Ramsey says:

    Can you enable Bluetooth DUN on the Treo 700w(x)?

  • anon says:

    How about the hack for enabling the roaming bug the Feds use illeagly to listen in on decent citizens. As I understand it and i am sure you have more insight on this “listening/mic” enable option can be downloaded or activated remotely. If you decide it is not something you are interested- I greatly appreciate your site anyway! best