Treo 800 Prototype picture

Someone stopped into our chat room today with this to show us:

Its a CDMA WM Treo 800, but according to our source in the Ukraine it is also known as the Palm Zeppelin.  More details will follow, as we are unsure of the pixel count on the screen as well as several other important details.  The one little fact that was mentioned was that it does not use a mini USB plug but rather a micro USB.

This entry was written by shadowmite , posted on Thursday May 15 2008at 03:05 pm , filed under Cell Phone Related, News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

5 Responses to “Treo 800 Prototype picture”

  • The guy/girl who sent you the picture now is in trouble because that Treo has the “BETA” testing marks, you can see them in the top and left border, those marks have a different distance for every ‘BETA’ Treo or PDA.

  • meryl says:

    Looks like a Windows Mobile version of the Centro and its keyboard is ridiculous… unless you don’t need to use it much like I do.

  • DJ says:

    wifi would be nice on a palm, ne one know of any? I have the 700p but was thinkin of upgrading or converting to the blackberry curve, i like all the apps though wm SUX!


  • Jesse James says:

    This is thee ugliest phone thus far.