Continued – Loading.kwi – Analyzing (patching?) the Denso Navigation firmware…

So now that I had a little more time I moved a little further into this (also a friendly forum member loaned me a release 5.1 DVD which happens to have a difference firmware). I’ve found that the “Program Block’s” within the hardware modules have a 32bit checksum as the last 4 bytes of each block. So if you patch changes you’d need to update the checksum to convince the NAV to accept them…

Now to try and find the section the factory override uses to open up full control!

foglem@sixcore:~/kiwi/U20 5.1/out$ md5sum *
e345f67c276a87b61aa8b4e2f8085b02 AC08
1e43fce6a7000c8a9eb72d9d1341112a AC10
7718e1ebc472194368cd2f56c7e4c898 AC12
c411131f758792e6beae9a000c7e8260 TY00



Now that I know a little more what I’m looking for with the CRC of the program blocks but failing to find a checksum for the MIUT blocks I’ve googled around a bit more with actual strings from the unknown blocks and found some more reading material. Linking here:

More Reading…

This entry was written by Shadowmite , posted on Thursday September 26 2013at 04:09 pm , filed under News and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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