Tech Addiction (iHTC has a problem)

So as most of you have seen, has another editor, iHTC. As you can tell from a lot of his posts he’s a little crazy on the tech purchases. As a matter of fact, he is pretty much blown past the definition of tech addict and into a full blown case of insanity as far as I can tell. It started off with just buying new phones as they came out. Then it slowly moved to the “buy new phones and switch back to other phones”. And of course from there it mutated to include some other gear, laptops, cameras…

Needless to say the last couple weeks it’s become apparent his new strategy is to commit around 5 or more phone flips a week on multiple carriers while justifying it be selling them high and buying low. Granted I imagine on a long enough time line this will surely cost him due to fraud and scams.

As far as laptops go I can honestly say he told me he went to the local Sony store to buy a new Z when it came out, and appearently the manager knew him so well even she told him he had a problem!

Needless to say he has it bad, but I assume more then just he does, even I got bad for while. My new pledge is to keep my Droid HTC Incredible for at least 1 year. I also long ago purchased the domain and planned to turn it into a addict/support site for those of us tech addicts. Now seems to be as good a time as any to work on this. If you’d like to help on projects such as this, let us know!

This entry was written by shadowmite , posted on Wednesday May 12 2010at 12:05 pm , filed under News and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Tech Addiction (iHTC has a problem)”

  • Bill P. says:

    I thought I was bad. Since last February I went from a Blackberry to an iPhone to Droid, back to iPhone, back to Droid, and now I have the Incredible. I plan to keep the Incredible for some time though especially with no Verizon iPhone announcement yesterday. The DI an awesome phone on an awesome network.