Recovery reflash is out…

Well we released the tool here, and already today we are adding a new device to support, the HTC Aria. Again rooted via the same recovery adbd race they too can benefit from a easy way to get back in to flash roms at will. We will be adding a FAQ to the unrevoked site as well in order to answer some common questions about the process.

In other news, we also still intend to hopefully push a method which will greatly simplify getting root on the newer secure devices using another kernel exploit. While it’s in progress and we have seen it work on desktop machines, and even the android emulator, the phones remain resistant so far. Hopefully we will get this taken care of.

We also have a intent to release a full nand unlock (as opposed to the temporary unlock we use to flash this recovery) which will manifest via a hboot flash. Being a much riskier thing, we are trying to cover ourselves completely before bricking devices testing this.

This entry was written by shadowmite , posted on Friday June 25 2010at 01:06 pm , filed under News and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

2 Responses to “Recovery reflash is out…”

  • dvdivx says:

    Is the Unrevoked team working on a full NAND unlock? I’d like to try putting debian/ubuntu on it with chroot

  • dvdivx says:

    I meant the full nand unlock for the Incredible